Marvel Thor Ultra Exclusive

Since 1930, Marvel has represented dualism, be it in good and evil, or right and wrong, or light and darkness. The brand exudes adventure, fun, power and excitement. Its strength lies in its long legacy of creating the adventures of favorite characters such as Avengers. The characters intertwine gently the aspect of human nature with superpowers that one would dream to have, creating a world of fictional and non-discovered places. The use of futuristic and technological innovations makes one travel in imaginary space where one can experience mythical and mystical universes. Avengers – Marvel’s premier superheroes, united to battle foes no single hero could withstand. A story of uniquely hand-picked assemblage of super beings, adventurers and crime fighters devoted to protecting our planet earth from menaces beyond the scope of conventional authorities.

The story of superheroes provides a trans-media platform where S.T. Dupont has ventured into a new era to pay its tribute to the characters created by Stan Lee, characters such as Thor and The Incredible Hulk.

Also knows as the Thunder God, he symbolises strength, value, agility and victory.

As the son of Odin and Gaea, Thor’s strength, endurance and resistance to injury are greater than the vast majority of his superhuman race. He is extremely long-lived (though not completely immune to aging), immune to conventional disease and highly resistant to injury. As Lord of Asgard, Thor possessed the Odinforce, which enabled him to tap into the near-infinite resources of cosmic and mystical energies, enhancing all of his abilities.

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