Emozione can be the reaction to an opera, a winning goal, even a marvellous mouthful of wine.

It precedes a much anticipated event, pending nuptials, the birth of a child. But it is much more: Emozione embraces every feeling or mood, from joy to elation, enthusiasm to excitement. And all of these underscore whatever a writer wishes to express at a particular moment. Express your Emozione with a selection of pens colored in the bold shades of Yellow and Red, or the intense tones of “Butterfly” Blu-Grey and “Charcoal” Black. The celluloid body is accented with Sterling Silver trim.

Charcoal Black Fountain pen ISEZT_CC

Charcoal Black Rollerball pen ISEZTRCC

Charcoal Black Ballpoint pen ISEZTBCC

Charcoal Black Mechanical pencil ISEZTQCC

Red Fountain pen ISEZT_CR

Red Rollerball pen ISEZTRCR

Red Ballpoint pen ISEZTBCR

Red Mechanical pencil ISEZTQCR

Butterfly Fountain pen ISEZT_CF

Butterfly Rollerball pen ISEZTRCF

Butterfly Ballpoint pen ISEZTBCF

Butterfly Mechanical pencil ISEZTQCF

Yellow Fountain pen ISEZT_CY

Yellow Rollerball pen ISEZTRCY

Yellow Ballpoint pen ISEZTBCY

Yellow Mechanical pencil ISEZTQCY

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