S.T. Dupont Nuevo Mundo

Table Lighter

The New World…dreams of conquest and glory have inspired these words countless times. They evoke the unknown, the mystery of Inca legends, rites performed in the greatest secrecy and above all gold, the precious metal which, for the pre-Columbian Indians, absorbed the sun’s energy in order to communicate its beneficial effects to man.

For them, it was a symbol of life; for us it is a symbol of wealth.

For S.T. Dupont, gold is a magnificent and precious metal that can be used to pay homage ti life and beauty.

“Nuevo Mundo” is a collection of rare pieces that marry the lustre of gold and the intense blue of spinels with the incomparable depth of midnight blue Chinese lacquer.

The Limited Edition consists of:

Jeroboam table lighters 200

Pocket lighters 2,000

Fountain pens 1,000

Ballpoint pens 1,000

“Jeroboam” Table Lighter

“Jeroboam” Table Lighter Video