With this unique Limited Edition Montblanc pays tribute to Miyamoto Musashi, a warrior, artist and philosopher regarded as the greatest Samurai of all time.

Miyamoto Musashi was born in the Japanese province of Mimasaka in 1584. Even to the present day, he is regarded as the greatest Samurai warrior of all time. He defeated his first opponent at the age of 13 and set off just three years later to perfect his skills in martial arts. In the year 1600, Miyamoto Musashi took part in the legendary Battle of Sekigahara, and dueled with more than 60 opponents over the course of the succeeding years without loosing a single fight. It was during this period that he perfected his fencing technique known as Ni-Ten Ichi Ryu. In duels he wielded his “Katana” with a single hand and also made use of his short sword, which was normal only used as a spare or for ritual purposes.

For Musashi the way of the sword was just one of the skills a samurai had to master. He believed art, craft, martial arts, and philosophy formed an inseparable unity in the life of this noble military caste in Japan. It is because of this belief that Musashi became a passionate and dedicated artist. Even now, his calligraphy, Zen paintings, and sculptures are considered as masterful as his innovative swordsmanship. Miyamoto Musashi died in 1645 in the Reigando Cave of the Kyushu Mountains.

Miyamoto Musashi “The Book of Five Rings”

Anticipating his imminent death, Miyamoto Musashi became a hermit in the Reigando Cave and spent his days putting a philosophical summary of his sword-fighting skills to paper in the form of his “Go Rin No Sho”, or “Book of Five Rings”, which still earns acclaim throughout the world today. As a Samurai warrior, Musashi was bound by Bushido, the honorary code of the Japanese Military Nobility. The Bushido code included lessons about virtues of sincerity, courage, loyalty, mercy or benevolence, respect, politeness, honesty, honor, and advice on how to be indifferent to pain.

Miyamoto Musashi divided his “Go Rin No Sho” (The Book of Five Rings) into 5 chapters based on the five elements in Buddhism. The introduction chapter, “Book of Earth” explains the path of a warrior in metaphorical terms. The “Book of Water” deals with spiritual and anatomical theories as well as kendo fighting techniques. In the “Book of Fire” Musashi teaches the principal of judging the overall situation in a duel by observing the individual aspects. A comparison of Musashi’s “NiTen Ichi Ryu” with other combat techniques in the “Book of Wind” cautions us not simply to insist on our point of view but to learn to understand other people’s opinions. The last Chapter of the “Go Rin No Sho” is the “Book of Emptiness”. The chapter describes the indomitable spirit of a perfect martial artist. Unshakable inner strength, upheld by wisdom and openness, coupled with intelligent strategic action – this philosophy counts as an ethical guide for people all over the world and still has a firm place in today’s management strategy.

Limited Edition 77

The stylographic pen made of 18K solid gold is covered with jet black Chinese lacquer and shaped as a caterpillar. There are 5 golden Japanese “KANJI” characters (hieroglyphs) engraved on the barrel, which symbolise the 5 elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Void – also mean “Sky or Heaven”. The cone of the barrel is decorated with a style of “Tsuba”.

The Samurai sword “Katana”, which Musashi could wield better than any other swordsman, is symbolised in the yellow gold clip. The 5 rows of diamonds encircling the cap, signify the 5 elements or fighting styles. The rings carry 190 diamonds of 1.0 mm (approx. 0.85ct). Together with five kanji characters engraved in lacquer of the case, they are a tribute to the “Go Rin No Sho”.

The fine engravings of the Samurai kanji with two crossed swords on the 18K gold nib, and the mother-of-pearl Montblanc emblem on the cap top complete the Miyamoto Musashi Limited Edition. Same two swords are stylised on the end-piece of the barrel.

This magnificent creation is limited to 77, which commemorates the seven virtues of the Samurai. It was sold exclusively in Montblanc boutiques, in Japan.

Launch 2007

Fountain Pen 77

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