Mamma Miya!

A pen with an original design which, in its timeless balance of volumes and daring rounded lines, is a delight for the eyes and a joy to hold. Complementing the original Miya made in precious celluloid with Sterling Silver trims, Miya Carbon is a new, sporty version with carbon fibre barrel. Available with cap and end-piece in four colors of celluloid: Red, Charcoal Black, Orange and Yellow.

Yellow Fountain pen ISMYT_FY

Yellow Rollerball pen ISMYTRFY

Yellow Ballpoint pen ISMYTBFY

Orange Fountain pen ISMYT_FO

Orange Rollerball pen ISMYTRFO

Orange Ballpoint pen ISMYTBFO

Red Fountain pen ISMYT_FR

Red Rollerball pen ISMYTRFR

Red Ballpoint pen ISMYTBFR

Charcoal Black Fountain pen ISMYT_FC

Charcoal Black Rollerball pen ISMYTRFC

Charcoal Black Ballpoint pen ISMYTBFC

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