Ibn Sina, also known as Abu Ali Sina, Pour Sina  and often known in the West as Avicenna (980-1037) is one of the most influential philosophers and scientists of the Islamic Golden Age. He is regarded as a true polymath, with his life’s work ranging from medicine, psychology and pharmacology to physics and metaphysics.

Ibn Sīnā is described as the forefather of modern medicine and one of the greatest physicians of all time.

His disciples called him Cheikh el-Raïs, that is to say “Prince of the sages”, the greatest of doctors, the Master par excellence, or the third Master (after Aristotle and Al-Farabi).

Although his Persian origins, he wrote the majority of his two hundred and fifty works in Arabic, which was the scientific and philosophical language at the time.

It is claimed that Ibn Sina had written about 450 works, of which 240 had survived, including 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine. Some bibliographers list only 21 major and 24 minor works dealing with philosophy, medicine, astronomy, geometry, theology, philology and art. 

His most famous works are “The Book of Healing” – an encyclopedia about philosophy and science, and “The Canon of Medicine”, also known as the Canon of Avicenna – an impressive medical essay.

Limited Edition 65

Avicenna’s observations on the medicinal effects of mother-of- pearl were the source of inspiration for the extraordinary material of the Limited Edition’s barrel: shimmering, black mother-of-pearl from the Tahiti shell. The shape of the cone is inspired by the striking tower of the Avicenna Mausoleum (a complex located at Avicenna Square, Hamadan, Iran). The cone is crowned with a Persian turquoise, a stone discovered thousand of years ago in Persia, and which is considered to have spiritual power.

The pattern on the Au750 solid gold cap set with turquoise stones is inspired by the fine ornamentation of early medieval manuscripts of “The Canon of Medicine” (which was used as a standard medical textbook until well into the eighteenth century in Europe).

The colour of the luminous orange lacquer corresponds to the garment worn by Avicenna in one of his most famous portraits. The clip is set with a green faceted tourmaline (antique cut, 0.45 carat), while the cap top is crowned with the Montblanc emblem in mother-of-pearl.

The Au750 handcrafted gold nib bears an engraving inspired by one of the most precise depictions of the human anatomy, published in The Canon of Medicine. The forepart of the pen is engraved with the original spelling of his name “Ibn Sīnā”.

The Ibn Sīnā “Avicenna” Fountain Pen is limited to 65 pieces as a reference to Avicenna birthplace near Bukhara, which current area code is 65.

Launch 2018

Fountain Pen

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