Gemstone carving appears to have originated with gem engravings dating from 3000-5000 B.C. Several ancient civilizations, such as the Hittites, Ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians and Greeks were noteworthy for their advanced skills in this art form, with remarkable works being created by ancient Greek artists for members of the Roman nobility during the times of the early Roman emperors.

Gem carvings from the time of Constantine the Great through the middle ages typically represented religious imagery. While hematite was used to create ancient mid-eastern seal-cylinders, the material typically used for gem engravings are usually derived from minerals of the quartz family.

Towards the middle of the 19th century a rapid decline of gemstone carving began and the interest in carved gems was lost. The process begins with the selection of a stone for carving. Some artists use the stone itself as inspiration. Once the general shape of the statue has been determined, the sculptor uses other tools to refine the figure. The final stage of the carving process is polishing.

Today, Luis Alberto Quispe is one of the very few very competent artists who create astonishing engravings and gemstone sculptures.

Stones are made in nature and through their formation they experience changes such as temperature and pressure which mark them, create this imperfections, character (cracks), it is just a prove
of what they been through just like a person’s life. All if these inclusions and stone imperfections are prove it is natural stone.

Dandy Skull Inspiration

“Monsieur Os” Skull Dandy Lighter

His looks and dress are effortlessly elegant. He doesn’t try to impress; he simply is a superior skull. His arrogance comes naturally, for he is placed securely high in society. His inheritance and the cares,
responsibilities and duties that great wealth bring exemplify the qualities of a gentleskull who is a cut above the rest. Beau Brummel, I imagine, would have found very little fault with Monsieur Os.

S.T. Dupont and Luis Alberto Quispe Aparicio created an Object d´art lighter, designed to express the values and excellence of the Maison’s lighter making legacy (or art of fire legacy). Indeed, for over 7 decades,
S.T, Dupont´s art of fire creations have been used by men of power and culture for whom elegance is valued in all things: the “Dandy”.

In collaboration with master stone carver, Luis Alberto, L’Aquart and Maison S.T. Dupont have created the magnanimous collections with the Dandy Skull hand carved in obsidian, jasper and white agate.


Yellow gold finishes
Hat and Suit: Black Obsidian
Skull: Desert Sage Jasper
Shirt: White Agate & 1 diamond 1.5 mm diameter in bow tie
Chair: Tigers eye
Base: Petrified Wood
Metal: Gold-Plated Bronze

Dimensions: 80 x 65 x 200 mm
Base: 190 x 130 mm
Weight: Lighter 180g / Base 1450g – Total 1630g

Launch: 2017

Limited and numbered to 8 pieces

Packaging note: This Sculpture with lighter will be shipped in a black shipping box with S.T. Dupont


Yellow gold finishes
Hat and Suit: Black Obsidian
Skull: Desert Sage Jasper
Shirt: White Agate
1 diamond 1.5 mm diameter in bow tie
Metal: Gold-Plated Bronze

Dimensions: 35 x 25 x 60 mm

Weight: Lighter 180g

Limited and numbered to 288 pieces

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